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In the Editorials section, you can read various articles about the ESL industry, new innovative learning methods and techniques as well as some tips and advice about learning English overall. It is important to us that we provide accurate, interesting articles for people learning and teaching English.

We are constantly updating this section, so check back often for new articles.

Click on any of the editorials below to read more.

The Far West Method

Far West - Hiring a Private Teacher Far West - GDP-English Comparison

The FarWest Method was designed to address the 5 Reasons Why Training Fails. It takes into account the structure of the English language and how the brain learns languages.

Interviewing A Private Teacher Can Be Tricky. What Questions Should You Ask? Over 90% of teachers available only have limited experience teaching English. Find the right one for you using these tips.

Why Learn English? How Important Is English? It is commonly believed that English-speaking countries are more economically successful.

Far West - Learning Styles

Far West - Why English Training Fails Far West - TOEFL Scores by Country
Knowing your learning style. Using the wrong style can be like writing with the wrong hand - you can dso it but it feels uncomfortable and slow. Here are some basic characteristics of the three learning styles: Visual, Auditory, & Kinesthetic.
Did you study English for a long time and then stop? Did your English training "hit a wall"? This is failing to learn a language. So why do people fail to learn languages? A bigger question is why do people fail to learn, well, anything?
In 2009, Taiwan scored 74 on the TOEFL test, 6 points below the average. In Asia, only Japan scored worse. Taiwan has an unusually poor TOEFL performance. For its GDP, Taiwanese English fluency should be higher.

Far West - English and your Brain

Far West - English Time Management Far West - The Mozart Effect
When we learn a new language, we are really reprogramming our brain. Our brain needs to process the new vocabulary and new grammar patterns. If we can understand how this process works, it will help the learning process.
Bad timing is a big reason why people fail to learn or stop their training. On average, people spend 16 hours awake every day. That's 6720 minutes a week. Now let's think about some common activities that we all do.
The effects of Mozart and other classical music on intelligence have been popularized in recent years and are widely misunderstood. However, there is some credibility to the effect of Mozart on intelligence. The Original Experiment.

Far West - The Brain Diet

Far West - Teaching Comparison CHart Far West - Top 100 English Words
When learning a foreign language, our brain will be working overtime. Like any kind of exercise, good brain exercise must be balanced by a good diet. Eating right can help you study longer, retain and recall more information, and feel happy and confident.
These days, there are many different ways to learn English. Whether in a classroom, a coffee shop, or online, each style has its advantages and disadvantages. But you should ask a few questions.
Find out the 100 most commonly used words in the English language. Study them and never forget them!