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The FarWest Memorization Method

Memory is the key to learning. And yet, for many of us, how we remember things is a total mystery. When I asked many of my students and friends "how do you remember new vocabulary?" they said:

• "I repeat words again and again."
• "I try to use them as much as possible."
• "I remember them right away (but then forget them later)."

It was clear to me that no one, including myself, really understood how they remembered things.

This document aims to teach you about how your brain actually stores memories, the methods that memory experts suggest for memorizing information, and finally present a unified method on exactly how to memorize information.

Memory Theory

This method is a combination of three fields of research:
• Psychology – Over the last 100 years, a wide range of psychologists have offered different theories about how to improve memory retention.
• Practical Memory Skills – The ancient Greeks invented the Method of Loci thousands of years ago and guys like Andy Bell (multiple-time winner of the Memory Olympics) are still using it today.

Psychological Theory of Memorization

There are three major psychological theories that will be discussed here: the Zeigarnik Effect, Chunking, and Miller's Magic Number.

Zeigarnik's theory suggests that interruption actually improves memory.

Miller's theory suggests that chunks of data are easier to remember.

Practical Memory Theory

Andy Bell is able to memorize every card in 10 decks of cards in 30 minutes. He can remember 1000 digit numbers. He is really good at memorizing stuff. In fact, when he won the Memory Olympics, he was arguably the best person in the world at memorizing stuff.

So how does he do it? He uses two primary techniques: the Method of Loci and Image Matching.

The Method of Loci suggests that places are very easy to remember so we should associate new memories with places you know.

Image matching suggests that new memories should be associated with images like food or animals.

The FarWest Memorization Method

All these theories and strategies are combined into a single, usable method – The FarWest Memorization Method. In this document, we describe how all these theories come together into a single memorization method. Then we describe a detailed step-by-step method that you can use to memorize your new material.

Long-term Memorizing…

This method has helped you to recover words and phrases only for a little while. After several days or weeks, your brain will discard these patterns, thinking that they are not useful.

That's why we need to keep exposing ourselves to the same patterns again and again. We can do this by marketing English to ourselves. For more about how to do this, click here (Long-Term Memorzing).